

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Advice From A Tree

Female Knitting (adult content)

Two words: Vaginal. Knitting.
This curious form of performance art comes to us courtesy of feminist artist Casey Jenkins, a self-professed "craftivist" who is knitting using wool placed [...] inside her vagina.
The work is officially called "Casting Off My Womb," but was lovingly dubbed "Vaginal Knitting" by the Australian TV channel SBS2Australia. Taking place in Darwin, Australia, the performance project aims to address taboos surrounding female genitals and a woman's body in general, similar to the many provocative endeavors spearheaded by Jenkin's art activism group, Craft Cartel.
Unsurprisingly, the idea of vaginal performance has left more than a few people with their mouths agape. Jenkins has described the piece as [...] "arousing" and promises to work non-stop during the days she's knitting, come hell or high water... or menstruation.
Jenkins is not the first female artist to test the limits of the public's uneasiness with the naked female form. Marina Abramovic explored pagan rituals associated with a woman's body in "Balkan Erotic Epic,” Yoko Ono dared audiences to literally cut off her clothes in "Cut Piece," and Marni Kotak, well, she gave birth in an art gallery. And that's just naming a few veterans. More recently, the Brooklyn-based artist Christine Cha challenged woman to "Rub Out" together in support of female masturbation.
Should we be concerned, though, that "Vagina [Insert Performance Act Here]" still ruffles the feathers of art admirers? Gawker probably said it best: "Perhaps [the project's] power lies in the fact that the same feminist themes and visuals that shocked us in the '60s and '70s still shock us today."


One of the most interesting sites you will come across: http://www.brainpickings.org/

On Religion

As for me:

And then I realised...

This was a post I did after something that happened early in 2012. I still believe further action should be taken against the person to prevent him from targeting more women.

So listen up!

What you did to my voice and my self:
"You have no say. You are the horse, slave, skivvie! You will OBEY!"

How you tried to make me feel and act:
"Stop that crying! Speak louder! Don't MUTTER! Let ME educate you about YOUR body!"

But then I realised...

(crying was the last way my subconscious could get through to me: "Get outa here! You're being brainwashed!")
(Hear that? My DIET is my own too!)


It seems that...
I am no longer your doormat.

(So you are degrading men by saying they have no self-control?)


(I especially like the "say what you feel" part)